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help me please??

Say,how can I get to register a FREE website?

Okay,i know these steps:

  1. Register your account(I've done that )

  2. Search for your domain

  3. Register your website(that's the problem)

So will you help me please?


Re: help me please??

login to your bravenet account
click on the websites tab
then click build a new website
then click use a SUBDOMAIN

if you want the free subdomain

if you want to buy a DOMAIN and then get hosting those are 2 different entities

Too many people are clicking on the get a DOMAIn and that you have to pay for and more

so click the use a subdomain link and there is a box area where you type so your site would be and where the xxx part is put something simple that relates to your site perhaps

then click submit and then if that subdomain is ok it will bring you to your maintenance area for your site and you can start building your site using bravenet's editors if you want to that way or if you know html and want the freedom of designing your site truly the way you want then use that way