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Can I use the blank space on my page?

When I selected my theme I didn't see any blank space on the right. But when I am adding and editing text and I look at my webpage there is blank space on the right. It looks like crap and I was wondering if I just cannot use it. It's the 'elegant' theme or 'elequent'.Don't know if it's the template or not. If you want to look go to There's blank space on the right that I can't seem to use. It's only letting me edit the stuff on the left.

Re: Can I use the blank space on my page?

Rightclick an empty spot on your screen. From the menu that appears, select Properties, then choose settings. On the left side you will find Screen Resolution. Set to 800x600.

I know, seems to have nothing to do with your quesiton, but after doing the above, go back to your site and see.