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why no www?

Ok, i uploaded everything and for some reason when I type it says its under construction but when i type it takes me to my page? i dont get it...

Re: why no www?

There is of course no difference. The thing is that you went to look at your page before uploading using www. Your browser remembers that you've just been there, and doesn't think it worthwhile to download all the files again so soon, since they are already stored on your computer.

When you skip www you fool your computer into thinking it is another URL, so you get to see all the uploaded files.

Somewhere in your browser, there is a setting that tell your browser how often it should check to see if there are new files on the site. In Opera it is Tools-Preferences-Advanced-History, and you can select anything from "Always" and "Every 5 minutes" on one end to "Never" and "Every week" ant the other.

Re: why no www?

you can put also "www" try to visit your website with "www"
no www -
with www - http//
