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Re: Cannot publish my website

well YOU have to decide whether you are going to use the wizard/bravenet's online editors to make your site

or use your own html program

if you use your own html program then you use FTP

if you use the wizard THEN you hit that publish button there

if you use an outside editor you SAVE on your computer and upload/publish with ftp

Re: Cannot publish my website

Well I am using FTP. I loaded all my files using Cute FTP.

I clicked on my index.html and the website opens in a new window. No problem.

However when I entere my website name into the browser, I get an error message that this site is under construction, the webmater has no loaded any files.

Re: Cannot publish my website

well the site you provided says 403 forbidden error which means you have no index.html page

or deleted it

so what is your URL to your site or correct one anyways

and make sure you published your page to the ROOT directory and not some subdirectory

Re: Cannot publish my website

You did not leave a name, however thanks for your reply.

My site is published as follows:

home/Iz Teremka/Iz Teremka Ready for Web/web

Iz Teremka is a directory I made.

Iz Teremka Ready for the Web is file on my PC which I uploaded.

Web is a directory within Iz Teremka Ready for the web.

My index.html lies in the Web directory.

When I uploading my file I noticed a /. I suppose that this is the root directory. Do I just upload the index html. file into the root directory and the upload the other files as usual into another directory?

Here is the link that will show you my web index.html file.

Appreciate it if you can respond in layman's terms. I am not a computer guru like you are.

Thanks anyway.