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Managing my new domain - without microsoft frontpage!

I recently purchased a domain for $99 and I need a program similar to the website wizard Bravenet uses because the people were so smart that they sold me a domain with no way to edit it! Rip off huh?

Plus, they're live support is DOWN 24/7.. they're almost as bad as Comcast..

Well I'm looking for help from another customer as I always get better help from you than from bravenet!

Re: Managing my new domain - without microsoft frontpage!

Perhaps you should clarify just what the problem is. You are talking about your domain but are quoting the price of a hosting contract. Those are two totally different things.

Re: Managing my new domain - without microsoft frontpage!

well if you know html then use NOTEPad

or go play elsewhere.

you getting annoying with all your complaining that you don't like this don't like that

no one said you had to use frontpage

use the wizard if you want

Re: Managing my new domain - without microsoft frontpage!

I CAN'T use the wizard.. when I go to edit my website all it shows me is website statistics, PHP editor, and delete my website.

Re: Managing my new domain - without microsoft frontpage!

when you login to your account
click the websites tab
then it should show you your website url link and click on it and then taken to your maintenance area for it

there you can start building your site with the wizard if you want to do that or the file manager editors

otherwise use an html editor like notepad, coffeecup html even that you can find free by googling

right now NO pages are coming up for your site which probably means you have not published anything yet since your index.html page isn't showing if you have made anything and published it

you need to decide on how YOU want to design your site