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Very Important Problem - Contents not shown

The first few weeks I have been using bravehost it was all going smoothly but now I have a very big problem. As I enter my site "" the ads have been added to my index and it isn't as nice as before. Also as I press the button to continue to the next page, only the ads are shown and my contents aren't there. I tried to re-upload it but there was no change. When I see it at home not on bravehost it looks as it is suppost to be but on bravehost I can only see the ads. Is there a way to remove the ads and make my contents come back as suppose? Thanks for the help.

Re: Very Important Problem - Contents not shown

1. Your problem with the ads is you have the free site so you DID NOT have the ads for 10 days because you had a free trial of what your page would look like if you upgrade to the premium hosting. So now that period is over so you will have the ads/banners now

2. your other page isn't working because YOU have your page done in Frames which is NOT supported with the free site so Either you have to upgrade if want to use frames or make your site in a NON frames version

Re: Very Important Problem - Contents not shown

Try this link to a similar posting in the Member Service Help Forum. The reason the poster's frames pages are not showing is the same for you.