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FTP accounts

I am currently using WebStudio 4.0 as my web publisher along with it's FTP. I am on the free version of bravehost and from what I understand, you can only get one FTP account which to me means one website. Someone previously suggested that I open a new account. Is it OK to do that and do I have alternatives? I want to continue to use WebStudio and do not want to use the bravehost web builder.
Thanks in advance
Tony B

Re: FTP accounts

you can only get one FTP account which to me means one website

That statement is not completely correct. Yes, you only have one FTP account, but free account users can host up to 5 free web sites. And, you can use that single FTP account to upload to any one of them.

With most web hosts, when you upload, you specify the remote folder as "/". That is the root folder of your site. But Bravenet structures things differently and creates a folder named "/web", which contains folders for each of your sites.

Say, for example, you have created two web sites in your Account Manager, "" and "". Both of these would be listed in your Account Manager under "free websites". To upload to the first one, you would set your remote folder, in your FTP configuration, to "/web/". For the other one, you would set your remote folder to "/web/". On Bravenet, these are considered the root folders for each of your web sites.

Applications with FTP upload capability, usually have the ability to create multiple configuration files. Create a configuration file for each of them with the "remote folder" built in and you can select which ever one you want, when your ready to upload.

Re: FTP accounts

I tried it and it didnt work. The message i got from my program was something to the effect that it could not find a path. I tried changing the original one that didnt require a remote folder and made the change to have a remote. Then set up the second site with a remote folder. That didnt work either. Then I removed the remote folder and it changed out my original site . no problem I just relaoded it. Anyway, It didnt work but was worth the try.
Tony B

Re: FTP accounts

Well, we don't seem to be communicating correctly. Either I am not understanding your problem, or your not explaining it correctly.

I just downloaded a demo copy of WebStudio 4.0, created two separate projects, and targeted two separate website in my Bravenet account. Both were very simple but contained different images, so I could tell them apart. Both used the same Host, Port, User Name, and password, but different Directories, as I described previously. Each uploaded to the website specified in the Directory attribute, without a single error. It's not real intuitive. how to do this but whole process only took about 30 minutes.

Did you register both web sites, before you attempted to upload to them? Both web sites need to exist in your Account Manager, before you attempted to upload to them. Maybe some more information is needed.

Re: FTP accounts

Martin, I cant figure what I'm doing wrong. If I leave the box for 'remote' blank, I can load my original website with no problem. As soon as I fil in that box, I get an error message. This is what I did:
name of
user name : sailortonyb-xxxxxxxxxxxx
password: xxxxxxxxxxx
remote: /web/
then I pres 'upload' and I get ....unable to access the remote site folder specified. Please edit destination settings.
I also tried in the remote box ; Got the same mesage.
As soon as I wipe out the 'remote' box, I can upload with no problem....but only 1 website.
Tony B