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Can't sign in

I sign in with my user name and password but a message tells me I'm not signed in. I request a password reminder and the very same user name and password was sent to me by bravenet. It still doesn't work. I can't seem to get the right info in the email and that won't go through. I was in the site last night and added three new blogs without any problems. Don't know any other way to make contact. Can someone out there give me a helping hand. Perhaps someone at bravenet is reading this.
Odus Jackson (retired98)

Re: Can't sign in

if you asked for a password reminder it will send you the login info they have for you under the e-mail address they have for that account

so it should match what you are typing in when you try to login

make sure you don't have bravenet blocked, or something like spysweeper

clean out your cache/cookies cache etc perhaps and try again

Re: Can't sign in

I got it straightened out. All is well! Thanks!

Browser: Got It Straight