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Uploading Files

This might sound REALLY stupid, but how do you upload your completed website???

Re: Uploading Files

I assume by "completed" web site, you mean that you designed your site on your local PC, and now want to upload it to your web site.

What application did you use to design your web site? Bravenet has FTP access, and all of the web page design applications that I know about, have built in upload capabilities. Often it is referred to as "publishing". You can get your FTP information from your Bravenet account and the upload everything almost automatically. There is often settings, in the upload configuration, that allow you to define whether you want just selected files uploaded, or everything uploaded. Before you upload, make sure that none of your links or image references are to your disk drive (C:, D:, etc..). These will not work on the internet.

It's always best to keep your designs, and all of your data, in a single folder. Referencing images and thing outside the folder can cause linking problems. In the end, your folder structure on your web site should look exactly the same as your local folder structure. That is, if you have all your images in a folder named "images", on your local PC, your web site should have the same setup.

You can also use just about any FTP tool you might have, to upload your files. Most good FTP tools allow you to move entire folders full of files, making it pretty simple. Most of the time I use an Explorer window in the FTP mode. Then, all I need to do is "click and drag" my files to my web hosts.

Re: Uploading Files


I have emailed you direct with pictures not supported on this forum,

Lee Hart