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i very new to all this and dont understand what going wrong,ive got my web site name and thats all ok no problems,ive done my web site page on my pc and ive tried to up load it via the fpt programe,which as worked too,but how do i get it to the web site adress as ive trid everything with no luck,are they settings this end i need to change...please help

Re: uploading

your main page to your site has to be index.html

also do you have a domain or a subdomain here at bravenet

if you have a DOMAIN perhaps your site hasn't fully propogated yet

also make sure with whatever FTP program you used you uploaded it to the proper place as well

Re: uploading

many thanks,its now uploaded but without the images any ideas??

Re: uploading

well seeing you have provided NO URL to your site we don't know why your pictures didn't upload

so best guess scenario you didn't upload them to where the internet is trying to find them

so better check your coding for your pictures and provide us a link to your site so we can fully see your problem to know if anything else

Re: uploading

iam a novice to all this..sorry
ive done what ive been told but can you help

Re: uploading

make an images folder/directory in your root area and upload all the images to there

that is where it is looking for your images

so until you do this step they won't show up