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How can I publish my own html?

Does anyone know how I can publish my own html web pages that I've uploaded? I don't want to use the site builder stuff. I want my own original web pages for my site but the only place I see to publish your pages is in the website wizard section. Publishing from here does not include what I've uploaded. Please help.

Re: How can I publish my own html?

if you DO NOT Want to use the WIZARD and want to design your pages with your own html program like dreamweaver or frontpage or NVU Or notepad then you PUBLISH your pages with an FTP program

the publish button on the wizard editor is for IF YOU ARE USING THE WIZARD ONLY to make your pages

so your page was made in the wizard and published there. So DO NOT use the WIZARD AGAIN

If you have your pages saved on your computer publish them with an ftp program if you used some html source outside of the bravenet editors.

Re: How can I publish my own html?

Publishing is nothing more than an overused word that describes the act of uploading to your web site. It doesn't matter what you use to get your files uploaded. You can use your own design application, and FTP tool, or the utilities in your Bravenet account manager.

You just need to make sure that the page you want visitors to see first, when they use your URL, is named "index.html". The rest of your pages can be named almost anything else, as long as they have a ".htm" or ".html" extension.

When you upload your files to your web site, they are available to the internet immediately. If you put your URL into a browser address bar, and don't see them right away, for a couple of browser refreshes (F5 or Ctrl-R). This will force your browser to update it's cache and get new data from your site.

Stay away from the Wizards. When you uploading your own pages, the Wizards have nothing useful for you.

Re: How can I publish my own html?

I am using my own web builder...WebStudio 4.0 and it, like most web builders/publishers have their own FTP. Its a 'just push the button' kinda thing.