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Creating a 'hidden' website page

I am wondering if there is a way to create a website page that is not listed in the Links/Navigation. I want that page to only be accessible to those given the URL to it.
I suppose I could use the password protect on it...but I have yet to figure out how to use that properly! But that is another topic...:)

Any suggestions?


Re: Creating a 'hidden' website page

if there is a page you don't want in your navigation bar then use the file manager editors and not the wizard to make your pages

the wizard puts ALL pages you make in your navigation bar area and in the order you make them

using the password gate people have to have that login for it but sometimes that isn't good because people can just bookmark the URL and bypass the password gate login.

Re: Creating a 'hidden' website page

What i do sometimes is bury a link (i.e., an easter egg). You can do this by creating a link on an obscure icon, picture, or object. It need only be 1 pixel in size. Give the location of this link only to those you want to go there.