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Still can't log in

I've allowed all sites. Turned off pop-up blocker. Turned off windows firewall and personal firewall. Deleted cookies. And restarted..... still nothing. Keeps saying I'm not allowing cookies when I'm allowing ALL cookies.

Re: Still can't log in

Do you have Spysweeper installed? That is the usual culprit in such cases.

Re: Still can't log in

I haven't had any trouble with Internet Explorer, even with a popup blocker, Semantec, and McAfee. But FireFox gave me trouble last week. Even though I deleted my cookies, it still wouldn't let me in. I solved it by specifically adding "" as an "Allowed" exception. I haven't had any trouble since.

Re: Re: Still can't log in

Haven't had any problems so far with FF2 under XT.

As I commented in another thread there are so many variables. It helps a lot to know the operating system and browser concerned.

Re: Still can't log in

i do have spysweeper installed, but i had it turned off due to it being a possible conflict.

thank you for the imput so far everyone.!!


Re: Still can't log in

i run windows xp professional 2002
my browser is internet explorer 6.0

i hope that helps further if anyone else has any ideas.
like i said before, i've disabled and shut off everything i can think of that would conflict, even uninstalling spysweeper for additional confirmation.