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Trouble with images

Hi everyone, I have gotten my site build on my computer and am now uploading to the hosting site. The problem i am having is with my images and my thumbs. They will not display. I have loaded the directory, do I need to load all of the files seperately or can they stay in the directory somehow? Thanks.

Re: Trouble with images

well the pictures definitely are not going to show up till you upload the pictures to their directory.

right now you have them all pointing to the directory on YOUR HARD DRIVE

upload them to your file manager area in your root directory make a folder for wherever you want them and upload to that folder with an ftp program

then edit your page so ALL pictures match where they are supposed to be save and publish your pages again.

Re: Trouble with images

How do I redirect them to the bravehost directory?

Re: Trouble with images

Your introductory pages are linked to image just fine, so I don't really understand why your thumbnail pages are different. As Phil said, on your pages, the links and tag references all list your hard drive. On the internet, this isn't very useful.

This can sometimes happen when you are reaching all over your PC for files. When you are designing web pages on your local PC, ALL of the files that pertain to your web site, should be in your design folder. You haven't said what your using for designing your pages, but you may want to start by moving your images to your design folder, and re-linking them.

An example of what to look for in the code is below. This is the code for your first image on your "" page.

After you adjust the links, they should look like the following. I was able to view your images with this link, so we know they are uploaded properly.

Your software might also just generate relative links, like on your other pages. This would them make the code shorter and simpler. A browser always knows where it is, and will automatically attach your URL prefix. This way, you only have to generate links that are relative to your current web site location.

Note, that the "%20" in the above code is the web servers way of compensating for spaces in your file/folder names. The web server is Unix based and doesn't like file/folder name with spaces. It's best if you do not include any spaces or funny characters in your file names. Replacing spaces with a underscore (_) is common practice.