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ftp account

I am using WebStudio 4.0 for my web builder. I have 2 sub domain names and I am using the WebStudio FTP to launch onto the internet. I can oly launch one site, I believe that this is what they mean by only one free FTP acount. Am I correct?. I'm new at this.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
Tony B

Re: ftp account

Yes, each free Bravenet account gets only one FTP account. But each account can have up to 5 sub-domain names, and that single account can be used to upload data to all of them. I have 4 free sub-domains in the same account and only use one FTP account to upload all of them.

When you connect via FTP, using your Bravenet FTP host name, your user id number, and password, you will see a directory named "web". Navigating into that directory, you will then see all of your sub-domains. Most programs that I know about, have the ability to create several FTP configurations and specify a "Remote Folder". So if I had two sub-domains that were named say, "" and", I would set the "Remote Folder" for one sub-domain to "/web/" and the other to "/web/". This way you can address each of your sub-domains uniquely from your FTP tool.