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Frontpage extension question

We have the paid version of Bravenet. We jumped right into it by getting domain names and added them to Bravenet. we are using frontpage and did not realize that we can use the New Frontpage site. From reading some stuff about Bravenet and FTP and Frontpage server extension, it look like because we have the paid version we can not use FTP to upload our files for our website, we need to use New Frontpage site on the Webpage manager page.
When we went into the New Frontpage site and choosed the website that we wanted to create it said that it was already taken, if we try to delete the website on the Website manager it says that if we delete this we will not be able to reverse it. Does that mean, that what ever we have out there on the website will be deleted and will not be able to retrieve it (which will be ok since we have all the information on our local computer) but we can still use the domain name and create or upload our files for the website using frontpage extensions, or does it mean that if we delete it, we can not use the domain name. i know that the website is different from the domain name.