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Website not displaying?

Hi guys,
I have designed a website in frontpage and want to test it out. I created a subdomain called and FTP'd the files to the bravenet server.

When i type in the web address in the browser the following message appears:
"The site you are trying to view does not currently have a default page. It may be in the process of being upgraded and configured."
I ensured that my home page is called index.htm but I still cannot display my site. Why?

Any clues anyone

Thanks for your help

Re: Website not displaying?

i am not sure what your problem is but try index.html instead of index.htm. if this does not work write again here.

Re: Website not displaying?

Thanks for the tip but it didn't work, I changes it to html but still getting the same message. Even when I log into my bravenet account and click on the websites tab and then click to view my subdomain website it still shows that message.

I don't know if this matters but when a FTP my files to bravenet the files are sent to the server directory /web/, does this look o.k.

cheers mate

Re: Website not displaying?

It would help if you gave us the real URI of the test site.

Re: Website not displaying?

soz guys it's