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Form - Dreamweaver : Action code

If the following was posted before. (Sorry)
I am new to this

Is there a way to forward the DW form from dreamweaver to my e-mail threw bravenet or another server.

I am not sure what to put into the Dreamweaver Properties for the action.


I do have a form from another program but it is limitied what I want to do.

Each day is a learning exp.

Re: Form - Dreamweaver : Action code

Proper use of a contact form requires a reference to a processing script in the

tag's "action" parameter. It was common to simply use a "mailto:" reference in the action parameter, but that hasn't been very useful in many years. Site visitors that don't have fully configured email clients (about 80%), would not be able to use the form.

I don't believe that Bravenet supplies a script for paid hosting users, that can be used to process their form data. However, there are plenty of PHP scripts available on the internet, that you can install yourself. A Google search with the string "free php form processor" will bring up lots of possibilities. The installation instructions will give you information on setting your tag properties. There should also be customization information in the instructions, so you can get the responses you are looking for. You can probably find one that interfaces with a mySQL data base, for saving your e-mail form responses.

Since this is not a DreamWeaver forum, another Google search with the string "dreamweaver action properties" will bring up lots of help information, specific to DreamWeaver.

I haven't tried it, but from what I read when I looked around, it looks like you could use your script with Bravenet's E-Mail Form service. Registering for their service will provide you with some default contact form code. The first three lines include a tag, with parameters filled in, plus two hidden fields. The hidden fields identify you to the form processor, and would be required in your form. The tag included the "action", "method", and "enctype" parameters that you are looking for. The tag would be a good example for you to look at.

Bravent e-mail forms send their processed form data to the e-mail address you used to register with Bravenet. It will always go to that address, but you can add a hidden input field with the name "carboncopy", that includes up to five other email addresses. You can sign up for their free service to give it a try. If you don't like it, throw it away. For my purposes, however, their paid service is a little pricey, so I would go for a custom PHP script mentioned earlier.