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under construction

I just came on board with the pro-hosting on 31 Aug 2007. Today, 3 Aug 2007, I changed the original index.html to "underconstrucitonindex.html" and ftp'd my files from my hard drive to Bravenet. This included the index.html file. I still get "under construction" when I access my site. I read the Index.html file in Bravenet editor and it is my index file. If I change the file's name from Index.html to Index1.html, I can access my files correctly. Anyone have any ideas????

Re: under construction

No problem for me. Try clearing your PC's Temporary Internet Files folder.

Remember you PC will try to avoid using up bandwidth unecessarily by going back to that folder for recently accessed files.

Re: under construction

Thanks, Peter. I cleared the files and it works. Now why didn't I think of that?

Thanks again.