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Beginner using Dreamweaver Host Directory

I am using dreamweaver mx04 and am trying to connect my dreamweaver site bravenet. I'm confused about the ftp and naming things the same. The host directory is the Path in ftp manager? If I put that in there it says "An FTP error occurred - cannot make connection to host. Dreamweaver encountered an internal data error. Please try the operation again". Should I name my site the same as the root folder. I just need this explained dumb dumb style cause I'm really lost!

Re: Beginner using Dreamweaver Host Directory

I just went through the same issue. Leave the 'host directory' blank. Even though Bravenet says to put it in there, don't. Their 'tech support' answered my same question by just repeating what I had already read on their site. Some support! Leave it blank and you'll be in there in no time. Also, don't worry about being in 'passive' mode. It works either way.

Thank you Bravenet! You've brought mediocrity to a new low!