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Setting up a subdomain ???

Hi can someone tell me how to setup a subdomain with a pro hosting package such as http://files.[domain name].com, Ive already got lots but I want to add a new one, Ive not used any of Bravenets features since they changed the look and layout ages ago as I actually preferred the older simple layout so I just use dreamweaver and filezilla these days and hardly ever login to the bravenet site, Ive spent the last hour clicking random links and buttons in the hope that one would offer me the option to start a subdomain but they all seem to either lead to setting up a new domain name or changing an existing domain, If I can get a new subdomain registered then I can just go back to using the third party tools rather than using anything on the bravenet site as I find it quite confusing on there and think I'll probably just end up overwriting something If I try to experiment


Re: Setting up a subdomain ???

Its ok Ive just found it in the sticky topic on here, I should of visited sooner as I was going in circles for the last hour :)


Re: Setting up a subdomain ???

Hi There.

I think it is like this if you need to add subdomain.

Login with your username and pass word

step- 1 look for the place says "website"
click on it.

Step- 2 Look for where it says "Build a website"
click on it.

Step- 3 Cheak where it says "Use Subdomain"
Click on it

I hope that it
I felt the same before I found it.

Re: Setting up a subdomain ???


That way worked great, Im not sure how I missed it for an hour so I posted on here and noticed the stickies for the knowledge base area for pro users. I then searched the knowledge base for 'subdomain' and one of the answeres pointed me in the right direction, Im back to editing the index for it now with dreamweaver as I'm used to that more,

Thanks very much for the reply and I'll read the stickies next time before posting rather than after