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Having Issues Passwording my AutoIndex Page


I have an Autoindex page all set up with files in and ready to download. This page works just fine, Now I'm just trying to password the page so only a few people can access it. I used a .htaccess and a .htpasswd generator program that I google'd. Then I saved the files and put them in the /Autoindex area. I kept getting an error, and after an hour of troubleshooting, I still haven't made any progress. Here is what I have for the .htaccess and .htpasswd files:


AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /misc/28/000/117/271/9/user/web/
AuthName "Password Protected Area"

<"limit GET POST">
require user EggoDancE

(Quotes are there so it wouldn't disappear from post.)



I apreeciate any help I can get. Thank you in advance.

Browser: MastaofRomandJul,2