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Sorry! You are not authorized to view this page... message

I used Rapid weaver to create my website and uploaded it using ftp and now when I try to preview the site I get this message, Sorry! You are not authorized to view this page.... What is going on?
I have a index page. But I don't think it's recognizing it. It seems to be in a folder and I can't move the pages around. Can anyone help me?

Re: Sorry! You are not authorized to view this page... message

you don't have an index.html page where it is supposed to be

you have a root folder where your index.html page is supposed to be

the program you used to make your page probably uploaded it to the wrong spot.

if you have it saved on your computer just upload it via ftp to your ROOT folder

Re: Sorry! You are not authorized to view this page... message

I can't figure out how to move the index to the root folder.