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Re: Internal linking

You must have put the link to the page in its editing form rather than its form of address that would appear on the internet.

Go back and get the address as it would be on the internet.

Re: Internal linking

The code you were trying to post is correct. This is referred to as an anchor link. Your code is listed below.

(Top of page code)

(Ending point code)


The anchor link is not causing you problems. If it's used as you have listed, there shouldn't be a problem. It's the editor preview mode that is giving you trouble. When you preview, you are not viewing your web site, you are viewing an example, created on the fly by the editor.

Your link is using a relative reference. Your browser always knows where it is, and will automatically add the necessary prefix information to a relative link. But in the preview mode, your browser is not looking at your web site, like you might think. It is looking at an example created by the preview operation, so you are still on Bravenet. When your browser tries to fill in the prefix information, it fills in Bravenet's information, not yours.

I found WebSpeak's posting a little confusing. But, I think what WebSpeak is trying to say is, use your full URL in the anchor link.


But, that isn't going to make it work in the preview mode either. Because your preview window is actually still on Bravenet, your link will try to reach out to your web site, and find the anchor. But if you haven't saved your pages with the links, so your web site is exactly what you have in the editor, there may not be any anchor to find.

Your best option it to keep your code the way it is, save your edits to your web site, and then view your pages on-line through another browser window. Then all your links should work.