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Re: How do I make FTP files appear on my site?

I'm confused a bit too, for much the same reasons as Corwings. Sometimes I can read into a posting and make an educated guess, but this isn't one of those times. Now bear with me. I'm no talking down to you. I'm just trying to extract more information, and sometimes I have to break things down to basics.

A web page is simply a file that contains HTML code. The HTML code tells the visitors browser what to display, and how to display it. If the web page is intended to display images, these are stored in separate files, and referenced from within the HTML code. It is common for web sites to have more than one page. In this case there needs to be a HTML mechanism whereby, the visitor can click their mouse on a "link", and another page will be displayed. The "link" can be in the form of highlighted text or an button image. Generally, all of your web pages would contain links to all the other pages, so the visitor can "navigate" between them.

Is this what your referring to? Or are you talking about something else? Anchor links can be used to index into text on a single page. You can see this kind of thing on very long web pages, where there is a link at the bottom that says "Back to the Top", or some such thing. On that page, there is a anchor link at the top that is targeted by the "Back to the Top" link. Anchor links can be used to target content anywhere in a web page.

Then there are frames based web pages, that use static navigation menus. The navigation menu always displays and directs the loading of a frame somewhere else on the page. The operation is seamless and most visitors don't even know frames are being used. This does away with the need to reload the entire page with every button click, and divides your page into smaller managed areas. But it's also more difficult to administer, and doesn't play will with free web sites.

From what your saying, you could be talking about any of these things. So I think I'll wait for a little more information, before I get specific.

Re: How do I make FTP files appear on my site?

Hi again-

Martin basically "got at" the jest of what I'm asking.

It may help for me to briefly state what I DO know re html/creating webpage before going into the unanswered portion of my question - In a nutshell, I have worked in IT as an intranet content administrator - I writing and publishing content to a company website using (Vignette) content management tools. I didn't have to write "code" per se. There was a sort of "wordprocessor" within the program that I used to publish the content. E.g. if I wanted to hyperlink something, I typed out the text, and highlighted it, then clicked on "hyperlink" and pasted the link to the content (saved as a different file on the server) in a form-style input window that popped up. I inserted images by clicking the "insert image" button and pasting a link to the image (saved as another file on server) in the popup window. I am also an avid Livejournal blogger, where I "publish" content using similar tools. (Entering content into a word-processor-like GUI that converts what I do into html)

So my first and basic question is this - Does bravehost have similar tools?

Next, I am confused by the bravehost "templates" wizards and don't understand how to use them. My second question is - Do I have to use the wizard templates, or can I use another program, such as MS Word or Adobe Photoshop to create my webpage and save it as html, for use on bravehost. If so, how do I use this Word-or-Photoshop-created html document as my bravehost webpage?
