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Installing RSS feed - error message - help please

Hi everyone,

Please could someone help me to install "Carp". This is an RSS feed for my website. I have downloaded all the necessary files, created a database, etc. but when I go to the php setup file I get the following error message:

Checking your server's PHP version...Pass

Checking your server's PHP function support...
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /misc/21/194/820/793/user/web/ on line 104

Select Caching Method:
To increase performance, CaRP keeps locally cached copies of feed data. I can either create folders for storing cache files or set up caching tables in a mySQL database. If I am unable to complete the setup for your selected method, you will see this form again and have an opportunity to select another method.

* Create cache folders
* Use a mySQL database

please can someone decifer this for me and also which method would be best for me to use?
Many thanks!