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well looks like you have a MESS

yoru images and nothing are going to show up if you don't have them in the folders they are pointing to

main page has pictures pointing to an images folder so make an images directory in your root directory and upload the pictures there

another page has the pictures trying to be found in directory of a directory of a directory

NEED to organize your files and more and how you want things to be

maybe make a layout on a piece of paper how you want things to be then reupload things that way

and don't put spaces and funny characters in your file names


yeh mi site does luk like a mess....i spent like days to make it...akhhh...anywyas...da prob. is that i made mi site using dreamweaver, wen i browse usin dreamweavr da sites look purfct, i haf a template, all mi images,ads...evrythins wrkin f9...but wen i actually type mi sites name in da luks messed up??? help

Browser: ,3


grammar is bad

need to learn english and how to spell