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Re: My website comes up as "untitled" in the browser tab.

I meant to say erase "untitled" and insert your own title. Keep it short and simple, the title you're trying to insert would never show in its entirety anyway

Re: My website comes up as "untitled" in the browser tab.

Thank you for your suggestions.

I tried them over and over, but still couldn't get it to work. I then realized that I had some of the coding in uppercase and some in lowercase. I typed them all in uppercase, and put my title in and it worked. So far it seems that the title wasn't too long. I hope there aren't any problems with it later.

Thanks again!

Re: My website comes up as "untitled" in the browser tab.

I didn't see your site before you fixed things, but the title looks fine now. I don't think that there is a limit on how long a title can be, as long as it all fits on one line.

The extra tag that macmac highlighted is part of the ad banner code inserted by Bravenet. Since this code is inserted in your page when it is requested by a visitor, you won't see it in your editors. If you <title> tag is OK, the extra one, that is part of the banners shouldn't bother anything. Only if you have something wrong in the beginning will it be used.<br /> <br /> But you did mention your <meta> tags. I see them in the body of your web page and they really belong between the <head> and </head> tags. The problem you are having with them may be due to them being incorrect. If you are using one of Bravenet's on-line editors, they tend to discard code that they doesn't understand, and could have easily caused your <title> problem. Below is an example of your DESCRIPTION <meta> tag.<br /> <br /> <tt style="text-align: left;"><META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="For fans of the TV shows "Hunter", "Law & Order:SVU" and "X-Files". Fanfiction, forums, photos, and chat room."></tt><br /> <br /> There are far too many quote marks in it. The quote, after the CONTENT attribute's equal sign, starts the description. But the very next quote mark ends it. The rest of the entry is simply thrown away. You should not have any extra quotes in your text. Possibly, if you insist on quotes, use single quotes inside the double quotes. I couldn't find much on using quotes inside a <meta> tag when I did a search. But an example might be this:<br /> <br /> <tt style="text-align: left;"><META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="For fans of the TV shows 'Hunter', 'Law & Order:SVU' and 'X-Files'. Fanfiction, forums, photos, and chat room."></tt><br /> <br /> Further, don't expect search engines to actually use your <meta> tags. Every search engine use <meta> tags differently, some not at all. Google, for example, doesn't us a DESCRIPTION <meta> tag. It generally throws it away and creates a description from your web page content. So make sure the introduction on your page says what you want the search engine to display. But if you want any of them to be used, put then in the <head> structure of your page(s), right after the tag.

Re: My website comes up as "untitled" in the browser tab.

Hello, Martin.

Thank you so much for going into such great detail to help me.

I went back and moved the Meta Tag code, and I removed the quotation marks that weren't needed. I thought I needed them to higlight the show titles for search engines. Thanks for telling me otherwise.
I also added the list of shows featured on the site into the title. If I understand correctly, if a search engine doesn't use Meta Tags, it will pick up on the title and that'll be enough. I've had a very slow go at getting people to my site and forum, and a forum member mentioned that no one who is a fan of either show would even think of typing in His Badge Her Badge when looking for fansites. I greatly agree, but I wasn't aware that I could put all three shows in the title. I thought I could only put in the name of my website. When I started building, I figured it would be hard for people to find because of the title, but I didn't know of any other option. It's hard trying to feature three shows on one site with only one title. I thought when people typed in one of the show title's, my site link and title would come up.

Before reading your reply, I'd read elsewhere that some search engines don't use Meta Tags, and I also read that a site won't be found at all without them. I was very confused. So for now, I've left the tag in, but with the changes you told me about. I hope I've done them correctly.

I went to your website and found more information on HTML.

If you come across any more mistakes on my site, please let me know.

Again, I thank you very much for your help.

Take care.