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Adding password protected page

I'm trying to add a password protected page to our web site. Do I need to add two pages -
a log on page (with password script)
the actual page being protected?

Re: Adding password protected page

you need to put the password protect code on a page it can be on your index page and then when people type in the login info they are taken to the page you want to be seen by when people enter

also don't have that page you want people to see when they enter the password/login code there anywhere linked on your pages either

but password protect can be bypassed as well. People can bookmark the page you want to password protect and just go there and not even have to login

Re: Adding password protected page

I am having the same issue. How does the user get to the next page after they enter a valid login? When the login is entered on the first page (correctly) they just stay on that page. I suspect there needs to be some redirection but I am not sure how to accomplish that.

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