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WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

what is showing when I edit and preview?????

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

When you view your site you are probably looking at a cached copy on your computer rather than the updated copy on the site. Press CTRL-F5 to reload the page.

Re: Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

nope that didn't do it

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

You chose not to give us a URL to look at so its impossible to be specific, but my guess is that you're editing in file manager then attempting to publish in wizard, which wipes out all your changes

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

I have absolutely no idea what that measn or how to remedy it...

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

What macmac is saying is, you haven't given us any information we could use to help you. What are you expecting to see? What is your URL? What are you using to edit your web pages? Give us something to work with or we won't have a remedy either.

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

you don't need to because you can't see what I'm seeing on the editing end anyway- suffice it to say the two are completely different- as if the update did not take

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

If you're not going to let us see the page, obviously we can't answer your question.

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

obviously you're not listening- since you can't see my edit what difference does it make that you cant see the site? What difference would it make if you COULD see everything- the point is my changes DID NOT TAKE EFFECT that's the problem

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than


Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

If it is too much trouble for you to tell us what editor your using, describe what you are expecting, and the let us see what is being displayed, then your on your own. Have a good day.

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

it's not too much trouble to tell you what editor I'm using- no one has asked me that. I've done exactly wht it says:
1. Login to your Bravenet Member account, here:

2. Click on the "Manage Hosting" link (just under the group photo).
Use that link to go to your main Website Hosting manager page.

3. Select either the Website Wizards icon or the File Manager icon.

That's it... the change I see when I preview my change is NOT what shows up on the published website.

Browser: mouthylegs,4

Re: WHY does my published site show something COMPLETELY different than

Never mind- I figured out the problem- thanks!

Browser: mouthylegs,4