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Problem with page sizing

Help! Help!

I am having a huge problem and don't know how to fix it. The problem is this: I keep getting a white area to the left of my actual page when I post it. In the editor is is not there. My page is set for 800 x 600 but even when I change it this white area is still there? Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.

Re: Problem with page sizing

try this it will take your sorrows away

Re: Problem with page sizing


When I look at your site it is centered with some white on each side and LOOKS great to me!

I don't think you really have a problem. It might be the Web Browser you are using to Look at your site! Maybe you can try looking at it from someone elses browser and you might feel a lot better.

The thing is that OFTEN our websites show up differently in other Browsers so that can be the problem. Again I think your site looks great and I like the fact it is centered.