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Forums help for Noob

Hey All I need Forum help for dummies
I want to put topics in my forum and dont understand what everyone says about getting another bravenet account does that mean i need to host a free website sign up for message forum post it and then what?
i need actually instructions on how to add topics please

Re: Forums help for Noob

Also im doing a podcast so any help on rss feeds and itunes is appreciated

Re: Re: Forums help for Noob

1, learn to walk before trying to run.

2. You cannot add topics for forums. Bravenet don't do it with their own forums. If you want 6 topics you need six forums, just like there are here. You open multiple Bravenet accounts and create a forum under each. You can link to those forums from whatever sites you like.

If you are using the Website Wizard then you might find it difficult but from your other questions you need to be using a grown up editor anyway.

Re: Forums help for Noob

I just made this me and my friend have no idea how to start it, we got the name, the template, and the counter but we don't know where to like put the coding for html

Re: Forums help for Noob

It's hard from what little info you gave, but i'm going to assume you have already made your main/home page, 'index.html'...and that now you need to know how to edit it, add your text/html, etc.

Follow these steps by choosing which method you made your website:

Follow these steps after you log in...

If you used the website wizards:

Hosting and Domains
Manage Hosting
Your Website Management Tools
Website Wizards
Website Utilities
Manage Website
Edit Content
If you use file manager:

Hosting and Domains
Manage Hosting
Your Website Management Tools
File Manager

Re: Forums help for Noob

We didn't yet! Actually we have no clue on what to do! Well I made a counter and they gave us a code for it but I don't know where to put it. I'm completely lost!

Re: Forums help for Noob

Okay we decided we're just going to delete this website and start with the step by step one instead of the html one

Re: Forums help for Noob

Thanks anyways!

Re: Forums help for Noob

Under "hosting and Domains" all i get is a commercial for Bravenet...again.

Re: Forums help for Noob

Myth--have you logged into your account? You will get ads if you are not logged in....

Good Luck