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Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!

Ok so I get everything on my site to line up perfectly. Save it go to the preview page and it is perfect. Go ahead and publish it, then I go to the site and it is a bloody mess!

Go back into page manager and look at the page in the edit section and everything is fine. Go back to the page preview everything is fine. GO to the webpage and low and behold it is wrong, wrong, wrong.

I am at my wits end!

Can anyone help me!

Frusterated in New Mexico

Re: Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!

A hint as to what exactly is wrong, wrong, wrong, would be helpful. For any wizard experts able to help you, that is. I can only suggest that you switch to something more controlable. There certainly seems to be something on the page that is open to interpretation - for instance, in Explorer, your menu items are presented side by side, not one above the other.

Re: Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!

Is it the alignment you are having trouble with?
Ihave found that if you use one of the templates with side box's and a header that is centered, then your alignment of the main content will look awful on first design.
All you can do is persevere and play around with the alignment in the editor untill it looks ok on the finished site.
Hope this was of help.

Re: Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!


If by "playing around" Andy means, determining the problem and then adjusting your approach, then yes, that would work. It really doesn't take a lot of time to understand the Website Wizard.

The Website Wizards content area's size and location are very carefully controlled from the style sheet. This means that you have to be careful what you put in the areas, or your browser is going to reinterpret things and change the layout. Or as it was said by Barbara, make "a bloody mess". You can't depend on the preview to show you everything.

As an example, on your front page, there is a content area on the right with a picture of a glittery eye. The image is 210 pixels wide, but the content area, in the style sheet, is only defined as 180 pixels wide. If you take into account border widths and things, the image should really not be any bigger than 170 pixels wide. Depending on what browser you use, IE, Netscape, etc.., you can have anything from the image simply overlapping the border to completely pushing your content down to the bottom of the page.

But, as Corwings points out, we really don't know what you are expecting to see, so it's difficult to suggest a solution. A little more detail would be great.

But aside from the "bloody mess" issue, on your "Team Discounts" page you have a form that you are asking visitors to email to you. You can register for Bravenet's Email Forms service and, after the addition of a few extra fields, have that form automatically sent you you. You wouldn't have to have your email address on the page, which will cut down on spam, and visitors would not have to do a cut and paste job to contact you. It's a free service, so if you don't like it, you can cancel.

Re: Re: Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!

Yeah that is way helpful

Re: Preview page shows one thing, website shows something different! HELP!!!

HI there, are you sure your browser isn't showing you a cached page? Press [Ctrl F5] to ensure you are seeing the latest version of the page. I found this helped me.