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adobe documents

Hi, is it possible to upload a document scanned through adobe onto a website?

If not how can I get a scanned document onto my website.



Re: adobe documents

Does this document have a format? size?

Re: adobe documents

Hi thanks for the reply.

Its a PDF document 634.1KB.

Re: adobe documents

Way too big. Speaking as a user, PDF documents are a pain in the you know what to view and load. Better to convert it to something more useful and smaller.

Re: adobe documents

Yep, I am having a nightmare trying to convert it.

I am scanning a doc into my computer. What will be the best format to scan it into so I can put it on my webby?

Re: Re: adobe documents

HTML is a welltested format for websites. If you have a pdf file, save the text and images seperately, then compose the webpage.

Re: adobe documents

What sort of document is it: a single sheet, such as an ancestor's naturalization certificate, or something like a copy of a twenty-page thesis or essay?

Re: adobe documents

Cheers, how do I cut and paste off an adobe doc as the little hand stops me from doing it?

It's only an A4 page from a book that I want to put on my webby.Its got pics and text on it.

Re: adobe documents

To turn the document into HTML as Corwings suggested, you would need to use OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to convert the text back from an image to proper text that can be placed on a web page, and quite efficiently. I have done that with about 40 pages of text, and each page takes about 5 KB in HTML. It works best if the scanned image is rather clear, and the typeface is something like Times Roman or Courier.

The pictures will require more space than that, but you should be able to start with the scanned image (a TIF file?) and crop the images down to a bunch of JPGs, if they are photos, or GIFs if they are line art.

If you e-mail me the PDF file, I'll check it out and see what I can do with it.