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I have a web community and i use bravehost to host the main pages of it and use the hit counter etc. but i have to use another company for the private members part of my site. the problem im getting is tht after a while the images ive used the board goes.

so can you hotlink (remote link) on bravenet?

Re: hotlinking

" after a while the images ive used the board goes."???

Re: hotlinking

ive gt a msg board on the site

i post photos tht i host on bravenet on there after about a week the turn to the red x thing

Re: hotlinking

Hot linking to images on a free Bravenet site is a little dynamic. When you first try, it will usually work. And several times after that, it will still work. But eventually the server catches up to you and the image no longer works.

Generally, on free sites, hot linking is not allowed. This isn't unique to Bravenet. Paid site owners usually have a configuration item that allows them to enable or disable hotlinking.

Re: hotlinking

You haven't given us an URL to check (so we could see what's happening for ourselves), but here's a guess:

The images may not be working at all. If you have recently viewed the images on your bravenet site, on your home computer, and then you visit the "web community", message board, whatever, you may think the images are working, because your helpful web browser will be pulling the images out of its cache. But anyone else in the world who hadn't happened to look at the images on your Bravenet site would not be able to see them at all, immediately, a week later, or ever.

If you let us see the "web community" you're talking about, someone will be able to give a non-guesswork response.

Re: hotlinking

If advertisers are paying for your site then using bandwidth without displaying their ads is stealing. To stop you stealing bandwidth they block remote loading of images.

If you are paying for the site then remote linking is permitted since you are the one paying for the bandwidth that the images use.

Re: hotlinking
