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How can I customize Pro.Template???????????

Hello members,

I am having huge problem here, am trying to use one of the pro. template from template gallery for my website but am defeated, I don't know how to replace images on them with my own. I don't also know how to add my one links such as home, contacts, about us, etc to it. Is there any good person there who would volunteer to tell me what I should do. Please I will really really really appreciate your help.

N/B I have a premium account.

Re: How can I customize Pro.Template???????????


I asked you two days a go to tell me how to customize a pro. templete or if you know of any software that I can use to help me customize it, please tell me. Thanks.

Re: How can I customize Pro.Template???????????

Getting an answer on these forums depends on someone knowing the answer to your question, and then having the time to answer. I know when I answer, I take my time.

Working with pro templates requires a certain amount of knowledge and the proper tools. If you are expecting to completely edit your pro template on-line, that isn't going to happen. Bravenet doesn't provide all the tools necessary. Your best approach is to set up a web page design suite on your local PC and work from there. You can then upload your changes as needed. This is much faster and easier.

To start, you will need a web page editor. There are lots web page editors out there. A good free one can be had from If you want to purchase for a good site builder you might want to look into or All good design packages and all, including Nvu, have built in uploading capalities.

To edit the graphics you will need a graphic editor. You can use PhotoShop, MSPaint, or what ever you have. A good free graphic editor can be had on line at Again, there are lots of them on the internet. A google search is always a good way to start.

Don't just wait around for answers. Go out and do some research. Gather the tools you need and get the job done. If you just take it a piece at a time, none of this stuff is difficult at all.