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"and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

y is it doing this?

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

Are you sure you have the right user name? You need to double click on FTP access, and a window will come up and tell you a long number which will be your user name for FTP access, and it will give you the host address to fill in on your FTP program. Use your Bravehost password, and you should be good to go.

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

nope, not working. Ok here are the different bits, in order, that need to be filled in. what do i put in each? (i no the usr name and password, so that's ok).


Access Type: (FTP)

FTP Host: is it ?

Host directory: ???

Login: all those numbers

Password: My password

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

Well, you haven't given us much information, but connecting via FTP is pretty simple. It sounds like you are trying to configure a web design application to upload your site files. Since you didn't supply us with any info, I'll use an example. Say my web site is "" and my Bravenet user ID number is "1234567890" I might use the following:

Name: My Bravenet Web Site - Pretty much, any name you want. This is so you can configure multiple hosts and web sites.

Access Type: FTP

FTP Host: or - check your instructions. Usually they give you an example, so you know whether you need to specify the connection type, or not.

Host directory: - On Bravenet, when you access your site with a FTP connection, you site is in a folder. The root folder is not writable so you need to specify the name of your web site.

Login: 1234567890 - Your Bravenet User ID number.

Password: Bravenet Password - This is the same password you use when you log into your Bravenet Account Manager.

For information on how to find your FTP information and examples of the configuration for several different web applications, try this link to my Using FTP help page.

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"


one more thing: what should it say in the URL prefix?

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

oh yeah, im using dreamweaver, latest version.

Re: "and ftp error occured: cannot make connection to host"

Usually they give an example of what they are looking for. In the examples that I use, the entire URL should look like "". The prefix is the "http://" portion. The "www" can be used, but it isn't necessary.

Dreamweaver has a variety of server connection types. Some of them are almost live hookups to your web site. Your full URL might be needed for these kind of connections, but a FTP connection only cares about the FTP host name and the folder name for uploading. My FTP help page has the specifications for using Dreamewaver 8 to upload. I only worked out the FTP requirements, because that was all I was intereste in.