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Adding pages with in pages

Ok...This is what I'm wanting to do with my page!

I have a page called surveys.....Now...I wanna add more pages with in that page...But I dont wanna have the pages in the survey page labeled on the main menu..Can someone help me with this??

It would be so greatly appreciated!


Browser: jessiemae8403,4

Re: Adding pages with in pages

The Website Wizard doesn't let you create web pages without putting them into the navigation menu. You could upload a template and then edit it with the editors in the File Manager. But then you would have to manage the navigation menu and everything else manually. That's fine if you know enough about website building. It might be easier to just register for another free web site for your survey pages, and then link to it from your main site. Then the survey pages will not turn up in your main sites navigation menu and visa versa. You can register for as many free sites as you like.

Re: Adding pages with in pages

hey thanks......i had thought about doing this with a piczo site but i couldn't get it to work cause it was being retarded. but ill do that......cause i do know enough about bravehost now to make new lists in the main nav. bar! thanks though!

Browser: jessiemae8403,4