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How to add more pages to website?

I hope someone can help! How do I add extra pages to my website? Right now all I have is 7 pages and would like to add on a few more.

Where do I go to add these pages? Do I need to upgrade my hosting package?

How can I get more pages added to my website?

Thanks in advance,

Re: How to add more pages to website?

That is a restriction of the website wizard. You are not required to use the wizard and there are lots of free and paid for alternatives on the market.

Re: How to add more pages to website?

Hi Peter,
Can you be more specific? I am cluless when it comes to all this and don't understand what you mean. I want to keep using bravenet but I just want to add more pages to my website. Isn't there any easy way to go from 7 pages to say, 10 pages?


Re: How to add more pages to website?

I think this will work:

Go to the your manage hosting in your bravenet account, then go to website wizards.Now click on manage website and it should show your website with all the pages and where it says Managae your Website Pages just scroll down a bit and it will say Page Name: add the name of the page you want to add and then just click the add page button. Wow that was long hope it helps I was also using the website wizard and this worked for me when I added a few more pages hope it helps you too

Re: How to add more pages to website?

Hi Matt,
I have already tried adding pages the way you suggested, but it tells me this

'There is a maximum of 7 pages allowed within the website wizard. To add another page, you can simply delete or edit one of your current pages.'

What I want to know is if I am able to somehow add on more pages, using another program, etc. on Bravenet or if I upgrade my hosting, will I be able have more pages???

Thanks though!

Can anyone help :)

Re: How to add more pages to website?

Ya sorry about that i was going to edit my message saying there is probably a limit on how many pages you can have, my guess is you will have to upgrade unfortuantly as do I since I want to add some music to my site. Apparently mp3's aren't allowed :(

Re: How to add more pages to website?


No, an upgrade is not the answer. I will elaborate a little bit on Peter's response. You haven't given us a URL to look at but the 7 page limitation is a clue. There are two Website Wizards, the Blue Wizard for layouts and the Red Wizard for themes. Due to the very careful structuring of the themes, the Red Wizard has a page limitation of 7 pages. If more than 7 pages were created, the navigation menu would get too big and push the other content areas out of wack. The Blue Wizard does not have a page limitation, but the layouts are not as nice as the Red Wizard. You may want to try this link to my Website Wizard help page.

It's also not possible to create pages outside of the Wizards, and then manage them from within the Wizards. What Peter is suggesting is that you develope your pages with something other than the Website Wizard. Download a web design package, like the one from "", and a graphic editor from "". Both are free and easy to use. Create your web pages on your local PC and then upload them when your done. Make changes any time you want, and then upload the changes. Developing like this will get you away from the limitations of the Wizards.

Re: How to add more pages to website?

Thanks Martin,
Thats makes more sense. I will have to see what I can do then. :)

Thanks everyone for your help!
