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This is new, and i'm looking for some feedback

Hi All

I set this site up to the chart the ups and downs of a group of under 8 boys in their first year in the local football league.
Its taken some time to put together (more than i would like to admit to)but has been a really good experience.
Please i would appreciate some feedback, suggestions to improve etc.

Thanks guys

Re: This is new, and i'm looking for some feedback

I'm not too good with the webstuff either! Now, don't get me wrong....I dont think you did bad on your site! I disagree when you said something like you weren't good with the website stuff! I like the way you have everything! Cute kids! Good job on the site!

Browser: jessiemae8403,4

Re: This is new, and i'm looking for some feedback

I think you underestimate yourself there. It's a nice setup and very clean. You did a good job and you should be proud. Even it takes longer than expected it's always worth it in the end. Smile and be proud of your accomplishment.