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553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Does anybody recognize what might cause this when uploading a site from DreamWeaver or Frontpage? I do authenticate with the ftp server but it refuses to allow me to upload files.

I can use the Bravehost java FTP applet but I lose all my links when I upload using it. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this error message that prevents me from uploading using Frontpage:

553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Hi John,

Yea, it's me again and, yes, I can upload using Dreamweaver.

This morning I went to and downloaded Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. It was a large download and took about 30 minutes. Install took about 15 minutes. I used one of their templates to create a quick page and then inserted one of my own images. That was another 10-15 minutes. Then I went to Site --> Setup and entered my site information. The first try failed, but I realized my error and fixed it. The second try connected immediately and transferred all my files. The whole process took just about an hour.

I am adding another item to my "Using FTP" help page. It's not there yet. I will post to this thread when it is ready.

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

HI Martin,
I recieved the same error using FrontPage and Dreamweaver. It apears to authenticate but then fails when the first file is attemted.

I did get the site up by deleting the folder named "Root" and I just used as the root folder. Then I used the IE browser for the FTP and dragged all of the files to the folder. Now all of the links point to the correct location.

I still have the same problem if I want to update my site using the Dreamweaver FTP. I still don't know what's causing the failure. I did use the username made of numbers and it still didn't allow me to update.

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Well, I did finish the page that explains the FTP connection. I think I need to go take a nap. Anyway. try this link to my Using FTP help page now, and double check your setting against the ones I used. I think it's item 7 on the list of questions. I had no problem connecting initially and updating several times. There is probably something simple that was missed.

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Thank you Martin,

Your FTP page had the solution. I was putting a forward slash for the directory to put the files in, instead of the address

I thought the instructions said put a forward slash to designate the correct folder.

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Oh, so that was the problem, you read the instructions. That will get you into trouble every time.

On most web hosts, putting in a "/" would have been correct, but Bravenet roots you one level lower. This causes a lot of confusion because many of the upload utilities, in the various applications, hide or filter a lot of the communication messages. Sometimes they are smart enough to keep a transaction log, but even then, you have to know what your seeing to diagnose the problem.

Anyway, glad you got it working. Hopefully, the FTP page will help others through their problems.

Re: 553-Can't open that file: Permission denied 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory

Hi Martin,
I just wanted to tell you, I'm a little embarrased I didn't figure that out considering I had an interview for position maintaining (not designing) a website and and a 20 computer network today. I will know by Friday if they want me!

And thanks to everyone who followed this!