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PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

I have been reduced to tears over this. Everyone assumes too much about what I know. I am a smart woman with a masters degree, but I do NOT understand how to get the lovely site that I designed on the Wizard onto the web. Java applet? Don't understand how to use it. When I preview on the Wizard, it's just what I want. I publish it. The wizard says, it's published. I click on my link- it's fine. BUT when I type in my URL on my own, only part of my site is there. I keep my cache very clean, so it's not about that. The live chat people don't even speak English. HELLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

Hi Nancy

I dont know if this is helpful or not but if you go to my site there is a free web builder download. Ive used it to create my site with no html knowledge at all. It was easy...and as I went I learned more. I always thought that, wouldn't it be great, to build a site by just placing images and text on the page where you want them without having to worry about codes etc... Well thats what this web builder does. Have a look at my site where everything is built by the web builder including the mouse over menu buttons and the slide show on the 'Instructors Aids' page. If you download it and need any help just email me.Lots of others have. Hope this helps..
Website Url

Re: PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

Nancy, When i first clicked the computer icon, next to your name on your forum post, to view your came up, but the pictures came up with the red X instead.......

that link was, ''

then i clicked, 'return to main page', (the link on your page), and 3 pictures showed, with text, and seemed to be a full page...

that link was, '

that could be the problem, not having '' on the end of your addy..

you did seem to have a lot of empty space at the bottom, maybe thats what you mean....

i clicked the 'links' button you have but nothing came up on that...

just letting you know what i saw...
♥ kendra

Re: Re: PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

Ah! I think I finally understood about the problem with missing photo album images. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong:

On the page that says:
the picture from MyPictures show. The pictures in
do not.

However, if you go to, they all work. Could it simply be that remote loading isn't permitted except for on bravehost sites, and that do not recognize a Bravehost site with a different domain name?

Now, that would explain the pictures, but not the missing text. However, once the pictures had been seen, they were in my cache. And returning to, not only did I see the images, but the text was there.

No, that does not really make sense to me, either. Also, it only worked in Opera. But start by uploading all images to be loaded from your site. Whatever else, having the images on your own site is the only thing that makes sense.

Re: PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

Corwing, How you described it, is exactly what i saw too....

At first i didn't understand your post, then i realized that she must pay for hers...thats why she doesnt have to use the i tried to access my site w/o it, and 'cannot find server' came up....

I'm new as of yesterday on here, and i love to read forums to learn..

Re: PLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE help me to get my sit on the web!!

This is a problem that many users have been having lately. I've noticed it in several of the postings.

It is all related directly to the photo album. There shouldn't be any problem linking to your Bravenet photo album from your Bravenet web site. But there appears to be a timeout problem, when you link to the photo album. If you access it with a direct link in your browser, it works fine, but when you include it in a page, the server times out before the image can be served.

The simplest way around it is like everyone else suggested, upload the images to your web site and put them in the "myPictures" folder. If it uploads to your photo album, it will upload to your web site.

Nancy also needs to make that image smaller. The first image on the page is a 749 x 562 pixel JPG. This is way to big to be used. It slows down access time and causes you page content to be pushed off the screen, if a user uses something less than a full screen browser. Personally, I run about a dozen things on my screen at one time and never browse with a full screen browser window. You can use the width and height settings to reduce the size of the image, but that is a poor way to go. Get something like IrfanView, from "", and reduce the image size. If you want to you can make it small, and then link to a full size image for viewing. IrfanView has a built in thumbnail generator.