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Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

OKay I am sitting here waiting for an answer to my support Ticket.... Does anyone have a Phone # because suddenly my PhpBb Forum Is MESSED up!

PhpBb says that my problem is with the HOST; Either WAY It is messed up and I need it fixed before everyone goes home for the Weekend!

Please email any support Phone# to:

The members of my forum are not able to post.
I have asked for HELP with the PhpBb Forum site and been told to check this out with you:
I was told QUOTE" An all-to-common problem is hosts who impose "security rules" which are too broad. For example, they block all requests that contain "cat ", or "sh " (note the spaces after the words), because they MIGHT be attempts to run commands. Done incorrectly, though, and you can't talk about the president's feline pet without tripping them, resulting in a blank screen, or a 500 error, or a "not found".

And you'll only find out if you ask them."

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

I have the same problem. All of a sudden things arent working. Same exact problem as you are having. Let me know if yo uget it fixed.

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

I am having the same problem. This isn't the first time they've thrown some switch that knocked out a feature on my site.

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

I GUESS we should all be Thrilled to Death that OUR Host is Cutting Edge and We have the Latest version of PhP 5.0.5 sometime in the past 24 hours!

A friend has checked out some things I don't understand and made me an infor page here:

If you REALLY want to READ the UpSET then check out the Php Forum here>Click Communities>Support

It WOULD have BEEN Nice if Bravenet had at least bothered to Answer My Pleading for Info on a support Ticket but Apparently NOT!

I guess we are all in the same boat and paying for a HOST that does not even care if they mess OUR WHOLE SITE up!

I am Pretty ANGRY right NOW! Cus there is NOTHING We can do about this!!!!!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

Your forum is working now or so it seems.

I asked Bravenet if someone could be hacking into their site because some of my website has been messed with. The only way these changes could happen is if someone got into the site.

Some times if it helps if you take a screen print of what you get when it is messed up and include it in your ticket.

I cannot understand why you are not getting an answer to your support ticket. I usually get an answer within a couple of days. Click on the address you got when you got email from Bravenet acknowledging your ticket you will find the answer on the site.

Let me know if I made myself clear enough.

Browser: ,4

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

ohh man!! its been 8 hours my forum is not working because bravenet upgrade their PHP5.. thatswhy..
i try to chnage some code.. and hope it will work.. but bravenet admin have to chnage 1 code which is:
register_long_arrays = Off

register_long_arrays = On

and yah i email them about it.. lets see what they say.. then i can find a way to wotk PHP5 with phpbb2.. so waiting for their respond!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

ok now my Forum is working!!! i dont know is it caz i chnaged the code? or bravenet fixed their problem?
anyways its working now!!!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

The Forum is Not Working because Php 5.0.5 is not supported with the Phpbb2 *stuff* Bravenet UPGRADED to the Php Version 5.0.5 at the SAME time that the People who are having this problem started having it.

There are AT LEAST 20 people with this issue on the PhpBb Support Forum...All with Bravenet. My Forum has been DOWN for 12 hours and is still not up.

It is all fine to turn in a support ticket and wait 2 days.... But a NOTICE that this change was going to happen would have been nice--AS I knew already that the Fourm would die if Php Version 5.0.5 were ever added--It is a KNOWN problem.... It would have been nice to know this before hand... Rather then deal with the crying of 50 members who were irritated when they wrote a post and it went to White Screen!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

happymomanna... dont worry, if it doesnt get fixed soon... then i will tell you tomorrow what code do u have to put.. u can make it work in 2 minutes.. nothing to worry..

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

Thank You I hope that is true--so I guess you are suggesting I go to sleep now! You are right a very long day!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

Hello guys,

This forum thing is affecting everyone whose host is Bravenet. I am having similar problem too, has anyone been able to figure out how this could be fixed? This is maddening

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!


What code were you able to change to get your forum to work?

Interestingly enough - private messages seem to work but posts...nothin'.


Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

Found a solution:

I made the edits and it appears posting works now.

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

use this code, hopefully it will work!


OPEN admin/admin_ug_auth.php

if( $forum_access[$i][$auth_field] == AUTH_ACL && isset($change_acl_list[$forum_id][$auth_field]) )

if( $forum_access[$i][$auth_field] == AUTH_ACL && isset($change_acl_list[$forum_id]) )

( !isset($auth_access[$forum_id][$auth_field]) && !empty($change_acl_list[$forum_id][$auth_field]) ) ) ||

( !isset($auth_access[$forum_id][$auth_field]) && empty($change_acl_list[$forum_id][$auth_field]) ) ) ||

Finally, because you are using php 5.0.5 or higher, you need to make a change so that functions that get called with functions as parameters are not called 'by reference' with functions. Here's that change:



function submit_post($mode, &$post_data, &$message, &$meta, &$forum_id, &$topic_id, &$post_id, &$poll_id, &$topic_type, &$bbcode_on, &$html_on, &$smilies_on, &$attach_sig, &$bbcode_uid, &$post_username, &$post_subject, &$post_message, &$poll_title, &$poll_options, &$poll_length)

function submit_post($mode, &$post_data, &$message, &$meta, &$forum_id, &$topic_id, &$post_id, &$poll_id, &$topic_type, &$bbcode_on, &$html_on, &$smilies_on, &$attach_sig, &$bbcode_uid, $post_username, $post_subject, $post_message, $poll_title, &$poll_options, &$poll_length)


function clean_words($mode, &$entry, &$stopword_list, &$synonym_list)

function clean_words($mode, $entry, &$stopword_list, &$synonym_list)

function split_words(&$entry, $mode = 'post')

function split_words($entry, $mode = 'post')

register_long_arrays = Off

register_long_arrays = On

im not sure if you have to do this php.ini or not.. caz i didnt do it and still works fine... by the way you cant do it urself u have to email ur host to do it... so without this code try above.. it will work hopefully.. Enjoy!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

Hey imteaz

Can you help me out here, I tried to make those changes on my board but it screwed everthing up, I can't even see administration panel. What can I do to rectify it?

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

sorry to didnt mention before if you make any changes please have your backup. so if you make any changes.. and screwd up simply copy from your back up ...

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

chaka its just simple 3 code you have to replace right? why did u messed it up... just find the path and look for exact code and replace it. and save it.. thats it.. it will work fine, so far 70% ppl make it work.. if you have any problem then post it.. will try to figure it out..

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

One of my Forum Members was able to put the Fix on last night while we were all sleeping.... So I do know the FIX works! I am told however that there may still be some issues and that we REALLY should ask Bravenet to put our forums on a DownGrade PhpVersion.... At least until the new version of our Forums is out which they say will be *SOON*

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

imteaz and anyone else who can be of help,

I need help so badly guys, I did the changes on my board as per how imteaz but everything is screwed, I am not able to see the Admin Index link in the left pane. So it is technically impossible for me to even configure my forum. Is there anyone who thinks will be able to figure out my problem? Please I will truly appreciate that, it has been so frustrating trying to fix it without success. I even took backs the codes that I removed, but I can't still see the Admin Index links. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

reload the original files you modified and you will be back to square one and can at least configure your board.use the changes from the imteaz post less the php.ini recommendations as you do not have access to that file.When you make your changes you cannot make any extra spaces...yet 100% of all characters,in short C@P whats posted to the "T" no more no less.if you do that (assuming your phpbb forum was using the latest version avail)you will be fine.

im glad you got your forum fixed but you didnt learn much about php according to your last request where our host would be rolling back the upgrade to suit your board-lol!!
i have to totally agree with any complaint having to do with their lack of communication on the matter when it comes to letting us know the upgrade would be coming etc etc but anything else you may expect is ridiculous as you seem to have php the protocol and phpforums confused.
your forum is your responsability not bravenet...they are always going to upgrade php to the latest version as they always have.php is the protocol your forum DEPENDS ON TO RUN not the other way around. supports the phpforums because they are written USING THE PHP PROTOCOL ...again not the other way around so when php is updated expect things that depend on that protocol such as a phpbb to occasionally have problems.
you will never see php protocol re-written to suit a phpbb it doesnt work that way, your board has to be re-written to support the protocol which already happened in the form of that patch posted earlier.
so no dont expect them to rollback an upgrade to help you fix a problem on YOUR END.

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

I think thats Why i cant Create Mine

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

After adjusting the above mentioned files, I now have my forums back! Thanks for all the help. I still put in a ticket to have the php.ini adjusted, just in case.

Re: Php Forum is messed Up and they say it is my Host!

I don't expect any thing more then a good notice so that things can be managed without having a down time. I think that I was down less then 24 hours and I think that I was able to make my end work. It would have been more professional of my Host to let us know when a big change is going to happen and if they know of any conflicts a change like this might cause.

If we are paying for a PRO Hosting account we should be able to depend on remaining professional during a big change. As it turned out my Fourm is used enough that we had someone who actually knows how to fix it so I got lucky.

But had I know I could have planned the change and not had as many problems as I did. The conflict was also a rather interesting one because the only probelem was the only reason for the forum did not work and everything else did. So that also looks real bad....and you cant even post to let members KNOW...

SO It would have been considerate of our HOST to bluntly point out Hey the Upgrade will CASUE those with a PHPbb Forum to have Forum Malfuntion unless you take certian steps....

I don't think I expect too much and Frankly Warning does Not cause the kind of panaic that has resulted in NO ONE even knowing this was going to happen.
