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HELP !!!! New here and i've totally mucked up

Hi all, i'm really hoping someone can help me...I've been TRYING to work on my site but I'm totally lost because I should have chosen the nice simple way and followed the blue wizard but instead i've gone somewhere way over my can I totally scrap what i've done (which I might add I have no clue what i've done )and start all over again? Is there a way to erase everything and start again or IF I was to delete my site and re-register would I be guaranteed to get the same name because I don't want to risk loosing it as all my logo's, banners etc have my site name on them, soooo any help would be greatly appreciated thanx in advance

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Re: HELP !!!! New here and i've totally mucked up

Sorry but I wasn't sure which was the correct forum to post my plea for help on - sorry . see, I can't even manage to get that right!!!