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How do i make a website?

how do i MAKE a website? I got an account but i can't make a website

Browser: Noobie question

Re: How do i make a website?

i have the ame problem dude. i am trying to read what people are sayig but nothing works

Re: Re: How do i make a website?

Bravenet offer several dozen services each with a number of free or paid options.

For this reason you do not get anything automatically when you open an account. You must explicitly register for what you want.

To create a web site you must register for web hosting. You cannot see any of the site maintenance options until you do.

Bravenet does not force you to use any particular site building software. You can use any commercially available produce such as Front Page or Dreamweaver, build the site on your PC then upload to your web space.

You can also use either of Bravenet's on-line site building tools. These are covered in the sticky posts at the top of the forum (care, the layout of Bravenet's own site has been changed slightly since they were written but not enough to be a problem unless you are being deliberately dumb.)

Bravenet's site building and uploading options are only visible AFTER you register for web hosting.