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Look at my site, and I have a small problem

Hey, check out my site please. It's still under construction, but I wanted someone to help me figure out why part of the "contact me" was on the second line. It has "t me", but the "contact me" link is fine. It just looks crappy. Thanks for any suggestions on how to fix this.

Browser: iammyownperson3,4

Small problem...

How refreshing to hear from someone claiming to have a "small problem". I have seen so many messages with subject lines like "HELP!!!!!!!! Major crisis!! Need help ASAP!!!!", and when you read the message the problem is absolutely trivial.

However, this time we seem to have the opposite situation. I tried to take a look at your Contact Me link, and went to a page that said:
Error: Account Canceled
Sorry, this Bravenet hosted website has been canceled.

Re: Look at my site, and I have a small problem

Hey, wow, I was so mad when I saw that this afternoon. Took me awhile to realize I had put the wrong website in the "website" box here. OOOOOPS!!! But I have fixed it, can you look at it now please. Sorry for that.

Browser: iammyownperson3,4