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Fading Dynamic Banner

Hi. I've been using Bravenet as my website hosting service for several months now. I've been adding new things and I ran into a problem. I copied and pasted the link for a banner into my Main page on my website and it didn't show up at all. It was called the Fading Dynamic Banner and I have no idea why it isn't working. Can someone please help?

Browser: Toonville05,2

Re: Fading Dynamic Banner

I'm not familiar with a "fading dynamic banner" per se, but I do know that often when I add script, like a banner ad, or Google ads, I can't see them at all until I get out of the editor entirely and just go straight to View, or in other words, just look at the site the way a visitor would. Have you done that yet? Often you will see it then.

The other problem might have something to do with bravenet servers being down at the moment.
Hope that helps. If not, it's beyond my general knowledge.