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Password Gate

I am trying to figure out how to use the password gate for a page of private family information. I have copied and pasted the code on a shows the box to put in a password, etc... my question is...does that give me a new page to create? or is the page I put the code on, the one I create for the password?? I can see anything I put on the page AND the box for the that can't be the page I put private information it? I just don't understand.

Re: Password Gate

I use the website wizard and when you add a new page it automatically puts a link on your home page to the new how do I get a page to use the password gate with???

Re: Password Gate

Ya know, I'm having this same problem. I got the gate posted... then what?

Re: Password Gate

I'm wondering if I need to open another account to put the pages I want "gated" on....? Right now that is the only thing I can think of....except I would wonder if the new account pages would ba accessible to the public....
If you get this figured out...please let me know!

Re: Password Gate

I figured it all out. First you need to set up either one or more user accounts in your password gate registry at bravenet in the members area. Your member name should be listed with your site's URL. You'll want to edit this and put after the slash, you'll need to place the page where the password gate will go. Now you need to add one or more user accounts below that with a password you designate you want access to your private family photos/section. For each user account you set up, you'll need to make that many .html pages and list the link to that page. I made 3 user accounts and named each page photol.html, for the next photo2.html and so on.

Now open your page you listed as where you're going to place the password gate. Insert the copy/paste code wherever you're wanting it. For example: I made a photos.html page that told my visitors there was a private collection of pictures for them to view and I placed a link to the page where my password gate was on which I named as photosa.html When they get there the gate will be there asking for their username and password. I gave my family this info....when they enter it, it will take them to the page I want them to go to see the private pictures which I named photos1.html At the top you'll see the title "This page is protected" and not the title of the page you named for your private photo page although it will be in your directory as such. Hope I explained this well enough! Good luck!

Re: Password Gate

i did what you said to do, before i read your post, and after reading your post i still don't know how to keep the protected page protected. you can still get to it from the sidebar directory, without putting in a password. can you clarify for me?

Re: Password Gate

When I re-read my post again I noticed it was a bit confusing even to me. So here are step by step instructions:

1. First, make a new page that isn't the one you're wishing to protect. Insert the password gate script where you want it to show up on that page. Save and upload to remote server.

2. Now, go to the Manage accounts section online at Bravenet in your member area after clicking the registered service password gate

3. There is a section there you'll see New User, New Password, then a URL

4. Fill out the New User, New Password and the URL you're placing the password gate script on, not the page you're protecting. (this is just for your information so you can get back to where the password gate is, but it is needed in the manage accounts area to work)...don't ask just is..hehehe If you give out this user name and password to others, it will only lead them to where the script see?

5. Next you need to add a new user and password and URL of the page you're protecting. This is the user name and password you give to others.

If you have more than one page you're wishing to protect per user account, but wish to use the same password gate script, you need to add new users and passwords and a new URL to each of those pages. So suffice it to say you need to make that many new html pages as they'll be different from just having one.

For Example:

I'm wishing to make a page of photos for each parent in my daycare with only one password-gate script. Online I have a link on my home page to go to the Photos page where my script is. This page is not required to be listed in my manage accounts section...only the page that holds the script and the pages I'm wanting to protect is needed there. So in my manage accounts section I have placed a user name and password for each page per parent below the account I have the gate on.

So below the password gate page I put the listing of each page I'm wishing to protect.
User 1

User 2


Hope this clears up any confusion. Let me know if it works.

Re: Re: Password Gate

This is a good explanation of how to use the password gate ~ in general ~ but the problem we are having is not addressed here.

If you are using the website wizard for your pages (because you don't know how to make pages without the wizard) then each page you make is linked to, and from, the other pages. So you can do the instructions for the gate, but the links are still there makeing the page available.

Somehow, you have to have a page that is not made by the wizard to use for your private information.

So I guess anyone who wants a gated page must first learn how to make a page without the wizard.

Re: Password Gate

If you are using the bravenet Website wizard, its not possible, the wizard will not let you hide a page. In order to hide a page you will need to use some other type of webpage editor.
But i didn't want to go do that, so i just created another bravenet website and linked it through the password gate. So now when peopel go through my gate they are going to another site.
I also think its better this way cause with the wizard you only get to have 7 pages. if you have another site linked through the gate for members to go through, you can have even more pages inside the members only site..