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DEAR sir:
i have alreadly finished my web.but when i will look it on the internet .it said CAN'T find the address


Re: SOS~~~!!!HELP!!!!

First try your real URL, not that fast URL redirect thing. If you specified the Target URL wrong in the General Settings area, it will go off to never never land.

You can see your real URL but following the "manage hosting" link in your Account Manager. It should be listed on the left under Your Account information.


yes.but can not find the address too. what can i do ? please help me ~


Re: help

You don't have an index page. Either point the fast url to a real page in your site or change the name of your home page to be index.html

Re: SOS~~~!!!HELP!!!!

When I use that address, I get a 403 error. This tells me that it is a valid URL, but the server can not find a "index.html" file on your site. This is the default file that the server looks for and is considered your home page. Us the File Manager and see if you have a "index.html" file. It must be spelled exactly that way and with all lower case characters. If your home page is named something different, use the File Manager to rename it. Then force a refresh of your browser (F5) to insure that the server gives you the latest data.


thanks all of you
but it is not 043error
it said:Can't show the web page
You just the page that check to seek can't use at present. The website may meet to support the problem, or you need to adjust your browser constitution.
please help me
thank you
you also can go into my space
user:homelover key:zgbaws1989


Re: SOS~~~!!!HELP!!!!

As I said before, I get a 403 error message. I looked at your site, and the reason it can not be seen is there is almost nothing there. You do not have a "index.html" or any other HTML file, for that matter.

The root directory of your site is completely empty except for a folder that says "bbsxp". This folder contains two folders named "database" and "images". The "database" folder is empty, but "images" folder contains other folders with a bunch of images.

This look to me like you are trying to upload Bulletin Board or Forum software. A lot of the gifs are emoticons and there is a place for a database. PHP and MySQL database access is only available with the Pro hosting package. It is not possible to host a Forum or BB directly on a free Bravenet web site. Even if it was, you would need a web page front end to connect you to the Forum or BB.

Free web sites limit the types of files and will ONLY accept filetypes with these extensions:

.htm, .html, .gif, .jpg, .png, .txt, .swf, .mid, .rmi, .au, .wav, .js, .css, .ico, .bmp

If you had uploaded any files with other extensions, they were probably deleted. I could plant a dummy "index.html" file and you would see that it is accessable, but I don't think that will help you.

Lastly, you wouldn't be trying to access your site from the Peoples Republic of China, would you? Access to Bravenet web sites is blocked from that location, and you would need to use a different web host.

Re: Re: SOS~~~!!!HELP!!!!

I got a problem. I got my site correct and made an fast url. But the fast url doesn't work anymore. It's not that I spammed bravenetmail or anything else. So If anyone can have an answer to this then please. Otherwise I will make another fast url.
