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In my "Membership Information" there is no "Website URL", I'm assuming you mean the domain of the site I'm trying to upload. I will email that to your Ham Radio site for privacy reasons. I tried what you said, I renamed the file on the right side of the Java Applet to "index.sorry.html", and then went into CoffeeCup and rename the opening page the same. Deleted all my Temporary Internet Files and refreshed (F5). Went back to the Java Applet. The right side file was correctly renamed, but the CoffeeCup file was nowhere to be found ( the renamed one ). Watch your email at your ham site........sending now.

Re: Martin?!!!!!!!

Well, first that membership information section. What you see on front page of your Account Manager, is a direct reflection of the data that is accessible through the "change information/password" link. Most of the data in that information area is strictly clerical and not used for anything. About the only areas that are really meaningful, are the login and password area, and your registered email address. If you change the information under the section that says "Web Site Information", it may be reflected in your account manager, but in reality changes nothing. Many users mistakenly think they can change their URL simply by changing the URL in this area. Can't be done. To have your URL show up under "Membership Information" just fill it in in the information area and save the changes.

I received your URL and tried it out. I get a 403 error from it. This means that you properly renamed the old "index.html" file, but you did not upload a new "index.html" file. Just renaming it in CoffeeCup is not sufficient. The internet can not see your hard drive so you must upload the files to your web site. If you are using the "upload tool", use the left side to navigate to your CoffeeCup files. Select the file(s) that make up your site. When you do, the green arrow should point to the right. Just click on the green arrow and your web pages will be uploaded to your web site. Now you should be able to see your web pages. I'll try downloading a current copy of CoffeeCup and generate a FAQ items that explains the uploading process.